2012年4月30日 星期一

[Objective C]Some Problem when Building Other People's Codes

Below just a study note

When getting a code that is done by others, you might face some problem building it.

1. The framework reference path is wrong, you need to set the correct path for all the frameworks that you had referenced.

2. Perhaps the code was build by an older version SDK, then you need to go to the Project Info, and set the BASE SDK to the correct one that you have in hand.

3. Then you might face another problem, when you try to build the program, Xcode alerts you with a message "Code Sign error: The identity 'iPhone Developer' doesn't match any valid certificate/private key pair in the default keychain". To solve this, you have to go the info of the item in "Target" which is under your "Group & Files". and go the Properties page, you have to make the content in the identifier the same as other projects that work fine in Xcode.

